It is a common skin condition, when our hair follicles are plugged with oil it results in acne and pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. It mostly occurs in teenagers but it hit you at any age.
It can be a small or a little bit in appearance and painful too. It can appear on your face, shoulder, chest, and upper back.

Causes of acne:
1. Hormonal changes
2. Poor sleep
3. Certain Medication
4. Smoking
5. Genetics
All of these can be a reason for acne.

Benefits of essential oil in the treatment of acne and pimples.
It can be a great way to get rid of acne and pimples. The cooling properties of the oil are really helpful for removing pimples, it treats the redness of bumps and reduces the pain. It helps in treating the scars which are caused by acne and makes the skin clear and healthy.

The top essential oil for acne and pimple are:

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